Saturday, July 8, 2023

How does feather DNA-collection work?

Chest feathers are collected by using tweezers to grab a feather at the base, and then plucking it. IMPORTANT: Molted feathers and blood feathers do not contain enough DNA for testing!

How do I Know if my Bird is Male or Female?


Bird DNA testing is the easiest and most accurate way to determine whether your bird is male or female. The process is simple: order a DNA-collection kit from us (included in the price of testing) or make your own kit at home, and then send us the samples. Once samples are received, your results are emailed to you within 5 days. We test hundreds of species.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Test Highlights:

Name: Bird DNA Sexing
DNA Samples: Feathers
Cost: Price Varies Depending on Quantity Ordered

Results: Within 5 Days after Receipt of Samples

Bird DNA Sexing for Gender Determination

Avian DNA Gender Determination (bird sexing) is a non-surgical and DNA-powered method used by veterinarians, breeders, and bird owners who cannot determine the gender of their bird by its physical appearance or characteristics.

We use PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to detect the presence of male and female chromosomes in the bird’s DNA. You can collect a DNA sample by clipping the bird’s toenail (sample is collected onto a blood card), or you can pluck feathers from the bird’s breast.

DNA results are emailed within 5 days, once samples are received at the laboratory. And certificate will be issued.

How does feather DNA-collection work?

Chest feathers are collected by using tweezers to grab a feather at the base, and then plucking it. IMPORTANT: Molted feathers and blood fea...